Welcome to PARR PT “Performance And Restorative Rehab”. We have years of experience in specialized physical therapy treatments and holistic health care for numerous complex conditions. Our myokinesthetics-based manual therapy is very effective for treating EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) & hypermobility, and chronic fatigue & chronic pain. Other conditions include bowel disorders such as constipation & IBS, Brain Injuries & Neurological disorders, POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. We also work with high-performance athletes with sports rehabilitation & injury prevention and provide on-site gait training with our patented Matrix Gait Trainer.
If you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above, feel free to get in touch with us today to discuss how PARR PT in Austin & Houston can help you reach your peak performance and get back to doing what you love.
We’re also very happy to offer you a free subscription to our newsletter where we share specific information on specialized manual therapy for EDS and many other complex conditions we treat as well as exclusive deals for subscribers, upcoming live events in Austin, Houston & Colorado, new educational & self-treatment videos, and much more!

Houston, Texas
“I have chronic systemic joint pain, nerve tension and have had 5 blackouts (that I know of) in the past as well. My diagnosis is EDS, POTS and Arnold Chiari 1 Malformation. Since I wanted to apply lifestyle corrections before undergoing invasive procedures, I waited about 4 years before getting decompression surgery.
Before I started treatments at PARR PT in Austin, I was in physical discomfort. I had numbness and tingling, loss of balance, depression, lethargy, and brain fog. …
“… At PARR PT, I had many good results, including: practical instructions from a caring individual that I could actually apply as well as a progressive program to re-build around weak areas while reinforcing a lifetime conditioning regime.
PARR PT offers a very personal experience. Jon consistently worked with me to address “current” imbalances and compensations. That list changed every few weeks. He is also able to address these angles with gymnastic and non-conventional exercises, which I feel more apt to do and be compliant on.
Jon is very kind and always “tuned in” when working with me. Some other trainers tend to get distracted by their phones. I also really enjoyed the experience when your butterflies fly by once you begin mastering the exercises.
Jon has been a good mentor and a great friend during a period when life came and distracted me away from balance. His history in the various fields he has chosen to engage himself in has made him a truly unique trainer.”

Molly S.
Austin, Texas
“I began recognizing my chronic pain 3 years ago and started seeking a diagnosis, though I had experienced symptoms since childhood. After being diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, EDS hypermobility type, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and gastroparesis
I spent several years seeking various traditional and holistic medicine treatments. It was very difficult to find experts …
“… on these topics without having to travel out of state and get on a year-long waitlist.
PARR PT has utilized a more whole-body approach to managing my health and pain than any other treatment I have experienced. Jonathan’s ability to adapt treatment to be very specific to my symptoms and to develop a detailed home program has been amazing.
My favorite experience has been the many different exercises and approaches to a single muscle group or system, there always seems to be something new to try!
I was experiencing very low digestive system motility, daily headaches and pain in most joints before I started treatment. My digestive system has improved more than I ever expected, without the use of any medication.
Manual therapy to work on my nervous system has given me more hope for a more regulated system and response to stimuli. And the amount of different stabilization exercises that target small muscles has increased my awareness and decreased my pain greatly.”

Kiersten D.
Austin, Texas
“My story began in November of 2017. Once the symptoms became problematic enough to start looking for a specialized physical therapist for my conditions, it took me 5 months to get the correct diagnosis. I have IIH, dysautonomia, cervical instability, and EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome).
Until that point, I had done some boot camp PT, but it wasn’t working because it wasn’t treating the real issues. …
I stopped PT for quite a while due to a brain surgery and kept waiting for the right physical therapist. Jonathan was highly recommend, so I waited until he set up his new clinic in south Austin … and I am so glad I did!
I wasn’t able to find help in Austin until I started regular physical therapy sessions at PARR PT. He works with me 1-on-1 for the entire session and tailors everything we do to my specific issues. I feel so safe with Jonathan, and he has changed my view on just how effective physical therapy is, especially for someone in my situation. Training and the treatments are fun now, and I know I am in good hands.
My favorite experience at PARR PT is the camaraderie and fun while working on getting better together. Thanks to Jonathan, including his dietary advice and home workout programs in addition to the hands-on treatments, today I am much stronger, have more endurance and better balance.”
Specialized physical therapy can help many conditions most people think are incurable or are a physical or cerebral limitation they simply have to live with. Do not believe everything you’re told.
Many conditions can be markedly improved and possibly even removed with our “3-Systems Approach” to holistic health care and treating complex conditions, such as EDS, MS, and POTS.
EDS is a genetic connective tissue disorder that affects numerous systems throughout the body. There are many types of EDS that are accompanied by secondary dysfunctions, including: POTS, dysautonomia, chronic fatigue, and bowel disorders such as constipation. It’s primarily known for causing hypermobility in the joints which results in chronic pain and recurrent injuries.
Contact us today to find out how physical therapy for EDS can reduce pain, improve stability, and overall quality of life >
Bowel disorders include constipation, IBS, or gastroparesis. These can affect different parts of the digestive system including the stomach, small and large intestine. Symptoms include bloating, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea. Each can negatively affect the way your body functions, and absorbs and processes food. Our specialized physical therapy treatments normalize the digestive system reducing pain and increasing function.
Chronic pain, fatigue, and illness can significantly limit the ability to participate in the things you love. Depending on the severity, it can leave you home bound from both school and work. Physical therapy methods including Myokinesthetics can be utilized to improve pain, posture, and functional movement patterns. See results in less than 4 treatments. Read more about how myokinesthetics and how it can lead to and longer lasting results.
Millions of people worldwide are affected by some kind of neurological disorder. Such conditions included brain injuries, strokes, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries. Due to the possible paralysis or weakness, physical therapy is a must to start the process of learning how to walk again, improve balance, and increase overall strength for maximal recovery.
MATRIX Gait Training is the most effective way to relearn to walk again after severe weakness or paralysis. The MATRIX was developed & patented by physical therapist Jonathan Parr based on years of experience treating patients with Parkinson’s as well as many complex neurological conditions affecting gait & balance. The MATRIX Gait Trainer is a walking device that uses an innovative bungee system to help move a weak or paralyzed leg forward while walking with minimal patient effort. With over 500 hours of patient use, the MATRIX continues to be effective in improving strength, stability, and functional ambulation.
PARR PT in Austin & Houston Texas currently have 2 of the 5 certified Myokinesthic physical therapists in the state. This specialized technique targets the nervous system by reseting and balancing posture to relieve to primary source of dysfunction. Find out more about how myokinetsthics can provide life changing results.
Sport rehab combined with injury prevention programs are highly effective in sports recovery and wellness. Whether you are an elite athlete or enjoy recreational activities, injuries can happen at any time. Injuries can be prevented through specialized movement training programs and manual therapy. These programs fare based on our unique “3-systems’ approach to prevent injury, reduce pain, and improve peak performance.