EDS | Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & Hypermobility

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) , a genetic connective tissue disorder, that affects multiple systems throughout the body. Systems include balance, awareness, blood pressure, heart rate, and much more. Due to also causing hypermobility in the joints, chronic pain and recurrent injuries are prevalent. There are 13 different types of EDS that are accompanied by numerous secondary dysfunctions. Those dysfunctions include: POTS, chronic fatigue, and bowel disorders. Understanding your type, will be important prior to beginning physical therapy.

Physical therapy specific to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome can reduce pain, improve stability, and overall quality of life. Since each person is different, often known as a Zebra, treatments and programs will vary.  A physical therapist can determine which body systems are contributing to the dysfunction using the “3-systems” approach. This approach includes regulating the autonomic system, vestibular system, and GI system. Once the problem areas has been determined, a physical therapist can create a specialized program. This program will begin building a foundation necessary for reducing stress and maximizing recovery. Also, the addition of manual therapy and nerve techniques will compliment the specialized program required for longer lasting results.

Relief from Chronic Low Back Pain with Spinal Rotation Exercises

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Are you looking for relief from chronic low back pain? You may be able to find relief with the help of spinal rotation exercises! Chronic low back pain can occur for multiple reasons. Sometimes there is a lack of movement in the low back. Sometimes the range of motion is too great. Here are a […]

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Your Path to Strength and Stability | Personalized Exercises for EDS

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If you’re dealing with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), your path to strength and stability may seem like a difficult mountain to climb. For some, it feels like an impossible feat. The good news is that with breakthroughs in studying EDS and advances in physical therapy, strength and stability are more attainable than ever before. Your safe and effective

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How Physical Therapy Can Alleviate Headaches Successfully

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We’ve all experienced a headache from time to time due to stress, lack of sleep, or before we’ve had our morning coffee. However, what happens when a sudden headache becomes a chronic migraine or begins to affect other areas of our everyday life? It’s essential to understand the cause of chronic neck pain or a

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3 Systems Vital to Your Health | Top 5 Things You Need to Know about EDS

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If you suffer from anxiety, stress, or often feel that you’re in a state of fight or flight, you are not alone! This happens when at least 1 of the 3 systems vital to your health is not working like it should. You have almost certainly experienced this if you have EDS or other chronic

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How to Reduce Joint Pain with EDS by Improving Body Awareness

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Learning how to reduce joint pain with EDS by improving body awareness can be tricky.  There are 3 systems that play a major role in this process. The most common joint pain areas related to EDS are low back, neck, shoulder, and knee. If you have at least 2 of these 4 common pain sites, you may

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Breathing Techniques for EDS to Improve POTS and Chronic Fatigue

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There are various breathing techniques to for EDS to improve POTS and chronic fatigue. Do you get winded just walking to get the mail or walking to the kitchen? We often wonder why exercise or day-to-day activities are so challenging. So the real questions is, have you considered whether or not you are breathing the right way? Most people tend to breathe

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