Chronic Illness

Millions of people worldwide suffer from a chronic illness. Some of these conditions include Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, chronic fatigue, and many other conditions. These conditions will affect not only the person, but the family as a whole. Symptoms include chronic pain, weakness, and balance deficits. Due to its long-term effects, it requires specialized physical therapy services to reduce risk of further health risks. A physical therapist can identify the root causes and initiate a program specific to your needs. Physical therapy also provides pain relief through progressive low intensity exercises, electrical stimulation, and light manual techniques. Using a combination of these methods will ultimately lead to longer lasting results.

Is Stretching bad for EDS?

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In the world of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), where every movement requires careful consideration, the question of “is stretching bad for EDS” often arises. Stretching stands out among the various management techniques as both a possible benefit and a source of concern for those with EDS. At our specialized physical therapy clinic, we understand the importance […]

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Managing Anxiety and EDS

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Managing anxiety and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) often entails navigating a complex mix of physical and emotional challenges. EDS, a group of genetic connective tissue disorders, can cause joint hypermobility, skin fragility, and various other symptoms that contribute to chronic pain and physical limitations. The chronic pain and fatigue associated with EDS can trigger a heightened

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Understanding and Managing Life with POTS

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Because it can take so long to get a proper diagnosis, understanding and managing life with POTS can be quite challenging. What is POTS? Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a type of dysautonomia making it a condition of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is the body’s “autopilot” system acting largely unconsciously, controlling things

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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Awareness

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May is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Awareness Month. This month is designated to draw attention to a group of genetic conditions affecting the connective tissues that provide structure to blood vessels, skin, joints, and other organs and tissues. Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSDs) are a set of disorders characterized by joint hypermobility. Symptoms and conditions of EDS EDS is

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How Chronic Injury Can Affect Your Performance as an Athlete

How chronic injury affects athletic performance

Chronic injuries often produce a negative label. Combining chronic injuries with athletics can create an added challenge on top of this. Chronic injuries can affect your performance as an athlete. Athletes with chronic injuries often receive a diagnosis with physiological components that are accurate. However, the functional aspects of the diagnosis are not always accurate

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A Chronic Illness Diagnosis is NOT Your Label: Your 3-Systems to Recovery

Specialized PT | Physical Therapy in Austin and Houston | Manual, Hands-On Neck Pain Relief

Are you feeling discouraged because of a chronic illness diagnosis? Moving towards your journey of healing is a major stepping stone in the mind, body, and spirit connection. In Rewire The Podcast, we discuss how you can holistically reframe the way you look at your diagnosis and begin addressing the nervous system. This will help

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Core Strengthening 101: How to Reduce Chronic Back and Hip Pain

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The core or “corset muscle group” consists of our abdominal muscles and lower back. These muscles collectively provide stability, balance, and posture to the torso. No matter our age, weight, or physique, almost all of us have experienced back pain or hip pain at one point. Luckily, we can often reduce or completely avoid this

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Information and Exercises to Combat Your Chronic Ankle Pain

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Suffering from Chronic Ankle Pain? Chronic ankle pain runs rampant among athletes and former athletes. Our awareness begins at our feet and ankles so it’s important that this joint functions properly. You do not have to be a former athlete to experience chronic ankle pain. It is even more common among everyday people and worse

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Dealing with Brain Fog

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Are you dealing with brain fog? Have you ever wondered why you’re feeling so tired for no apparent reason, or why you can’t seem to concentrate on what’s right in front of you? We all experience a little brain fog on occasion, but real brain fog is something that varies in intensity. It comes and

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Why Am I So Tired? Common Causes of Fatigue with POTS and What You Can Do | PARR PT and Vital-Side Mind Body Series

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Fatigue with POTS and general tiredness is very common today. In fact, it is becoming a way of life for many. I’m guessing that you experience burn-out or fatigue every once in a while. Perhaps you feel this way on a daily basis. Tiredness is a natural human reaction to a variety of circumstances. It

Why Am I So Tired? Common Causes of Fatigue with POTS and What You Can Do | PARR PT and Vital-Side Mind Body Series Read More »