Sports Rehabilitation

Typically after a sports related injury, physicians will recommend sports rehabilitation prior to return back to their sport. Common sports injuries include ligament tears, bone fractures, and muscle strains. Most injuries can be very debilitating and require a specialized sports physical therapist.  A specialized sports physical therapist will provide a thorough assessment and movement screening prior to developing a sports rehabilitation program. Programs include hands on treatments, stabilization exercises, and strength training. Specialized hands-on treatments, such as myokinesthetics, are highly effective in reducing pain and maximizing the rate of healing. As a result, each athlete will begin transitioning back to their sport at a high level at a much safer and faster rate.

Finding the Best Knee Support for EDS, Hypermobility, and Sports Injuries

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When it comes to finding the best knee support for EDS, hypermobility, and sports injuries, it’s crucial to understand the unique demands and challenges posed by each condition. Knee pain can be a debilitating issue for many, particularly for those with hypermobility or sports-related injuries. At our physical therapy clinic, specializing in EDS and hypermobility, […]

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How to Manage Your Arthritis

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Are you one of the millions of individuals around the world unsure of how to manage your arthritis? There are a variety of conditions that contribute to the millions of people who suffer from arthritis. One of the most common of those is osteoarthritis. Arthritis has long been a source of chronic pain and has

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Benefits of Dry Needling in Physical Therapy

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Have you ever wondered what the benefits of dry needling in physical therapy are? If you suffer from chronic pain, inflammation, or muscle tension, you may benefit from it. In physical therapy settings, dry needling is especially beneficial to help restore range of motion, reduce chronic pain, and decrease inflammation. Since our therapists have become

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Various Causes of Knee Pain

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Are you one of the millions of Americans wondering what are the various causes of knee pain? The knee is the body’s largest joint that supports your body in static and dynamic positions. When compared to other joints in the body, your knees bear the brunt of the wear and tear throughout your life. It

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Identifying & Treating Knee Pain


There are many causes of knee pain. Whether it is the result of a direct injury or incorrect usage, you may experience chronic pain if not treated correctly. Often, knee pain is caused by issues with the popliteus muscle, which is located right behind the knee and responsible for locking and unlocking this joint. As

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How Chronic Injury Can Affect Your Performance as an Athlete

How chronic injury affects athletic performance

Chronic injuries often produce a negative label. Combining chronic injuries with athletics can create an added challenge on top of this. Chronic injuries can affect your performance as an athlete. Athletes with chronic injuries often receive a diagnosis with physiological components that are accurate. However, the functional aspects of the diagnosis are not always accurate

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Core Strengthening 101: How to Reduce Chronic Back and Hip Pain

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The core or “corset muscle group” consists of our abdominal muscles and lower back. These muscles collectively provide stability, balance, and posture to the torso. No matter our age, weight, or physique, almost all of us have experienced back pain or hip pain at one point. Luckily, we can often reduce or completely avoid this

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Information and Exercises to Combat Your Chronic Ankle Pain

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Suffering from Chronic Ankle Pain? Chronic ankle pain runs rampant among athletes and former athletes. Our awareness begins at our feet and ankles so it’s important that this joint functions properly. You do not have to be a former athlete to experience chronic ankle pain. It is even more common among everyday people and worse

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How to Reduce Knee Pain Associated With Squatting | 1 Simple Technique To Engage Ideal Muscles And Eliminate Tension

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Knee Pain Should NOT Be Your Normal When Doing Squats Are you experiencing knee pain during or after squatting? There are many reasons this may occur. Today, we’re focusing on one of the most common issues we see – your knees going forward while squatting. This often occurs due to a lack of engagement with

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Chronic Back Pain | Low, Mid, or Upper Back Pain that Won’t Go Away

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Chronic back pain is now the leading cause of disability nationwide! It is also one of the main reasons people seek out Physical Therapy. Sometimes back pain comes from an acute injury. However, often we just stand up from our desks and feel a deep ache or a sharp twinge and wonder where it came

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