Is Your Scar the Cause of Your Chronic Pain?

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Is Your Scar The Cause Of Your Chronic Pain?

Could your scar be the cause of your chronic pain? It might be. If you have a scar, you may not only have a cool—or crazy—story about how you got it, but you probably have other issues that you’d least expect as a result of it, too, such as chronic back pain, neck pain, or other pain agitated by EDS or another condition. 

“But, it has been years since I got my scar.”

It’s not widely known, but scars can cause chronic pain immediately or even years later. Why? When there is trauma, damage occurs in the nerves of the impacted area, along with the injured tissue. Particularly, following surgery, patients experience long-term altered nerve sensation that fails to communicate to the body, producing a reduced or enhanced sense of pain. When the nerve is not functioning properly, the body may not perform movements correctly due to sensory impairments. 

Additionally, pain or other issues you may have never attributed to your scar may be originating from it. The aftermath of a wound can spread throughout the tissue at and around the site of the injury. The damage can result in tightness, restricted motion, numbness and poor circulation. Feeling moodier than usual? It can even produce an imbalance in hormone levels. The most common side effects of a scar are chronic and nerve pain, shooting, throbbing pain, or dull aches.

Physical Therapy for Scar Relief

Many patients seek physical therapy following:

  • C-section
  • hernia repair,
  • ACL surgery, or
  • other traumatic injuries that require stitches.

A physical therapist can help you address your chronic pain and Autonomic dysfunctions related to Autonomic Neuropathy or Dysautonomia.

The benefits of working with a PT to address your scar pain include:

  • Breaking up scar tissue to re-signal the body’s nerves to become less prone to hyperactivation of autonomic and pain signals.
  • Improved circulation due to lymph drainage, or removing excess fluid, that causes swelling.
  • Enhanced motion and increased performance without excess strain during sport-related or functional activities.

If you experience a reduced range of motion or pain that prevents you from completing everyday activities, you may consider consulting with a physical therapist. Contact us at to discuss your needs and how you can benefit from our specialized physical therapy treatments for your chronic pain.

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