Dealing with Brain Fog

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Are you dealing with brain fog? Have you ever wondered why you’re feeling so tired for no apparent reason, or why you can’t seem to concentrate on what’s right in front of you? We all experience a little brain fog on occasion, but real brain fog is something that varies in intensity. It comes and […]

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Why Am I So Tired? Common Causes of Fatigue with POTS and What You Can Do | PARR PT and Vital-Side Mind Body Series

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Fatigue with POTS and general tiredness is very common today. In fact, it is becoming a way of life for many. I’m guessing that you experience burn-out or fatigue every once in a while. Perhaps you feel this way on a daily basis. Tiredness is a natural human reaction to a variety of circumstances. It

Why Am I So Tired? Common Causes of Fatigue with POTS and What You Can Do | PARR PT and Vital-Side Mind Body Series Read More »

How to Reduce Knee Pain Associated With Squatting | 1 Simple Technique To Engage Ideal Muscles And Eliminate Tension

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Knee Pain Should NOT Be Your Normal When Doing Squats Are you experiencing knee pain during or after squatting? There are many reasons this may occur. Today, we’re focusing on one of the most common issues we see – your knees going forward while squatting. This often occurs due to a lack of engagement with

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Enteric Nervous System | PARR PT and Vital-Side Mind Body Series

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The Enteric Nervous System is an underrated cause of chronic gut issues. We often experience symptoms like bloating, food sensitivities, or constipation and wonder what the root cause is. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t always a structural issue in the gut or because of the food you’re eating. Sometimes it comes down to dysregulation

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Pain and the Nervous System | PARR PT and Vital-Side Mind-Body Series

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Pain is a Warning Signal from the Brain Pain isn’t always a sign of acute tissue injury. Often times it’s a result of the sympathetic nervous system turning on and saying “help” to that spot. Does this mean that your pain is all in your head? Absolutely not! But your nervous system may be sending

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Breathing Exercise for Anxiety | PARR PT and Vital-Side Mind-Body Series

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We want to share with you a simple breathing exercise for anxiety that can help activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System. In this video, our friend Lindsay Mitchell PA-C of Vital-Side joins Jonathan to discuss the effects of chronic stress on the body’s many systems. Thank you for sharing your time and expertise, Lindsay! What are

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Chronic Back Pain | Low, Mid, or Upper Back Pain that Won’t Go Away

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Chronic back pain is now the leading cause of disability nationwide! It is also one of the main reasons people seek out Physical Therapy. Sometimes back pain comes from an acute injury. However, often we just stand up from our desks and feel a deep ache or a sharp twinge and wonder where it came

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Gait Training with the MATRIX Gait Trainer for Parkinson’s, MS, and TBI

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Regain mobility with Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, and more. Our patented MATRIX Gait Trainer is the key to safe, effective, and efficient gait training. Over years of treating hundreds of patients as a Physical Therapist and Traumatic Brain Injury Specialist, I experienced the pros and cons of many gait training devices. Too often,

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Improve Your Car Sickness Through Physical Therapy

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Are you sending mixed signals? If you’ve ever suffered from a bout of car sickness on a road trip, you might be. However, maybe not in the way you think. But you can improve your car sickness through physical therapy! When you feel carsick, you’ll generally experience nausea, dizziness, headaches, or maybe even vomiting. Falling

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Is Your Scar the Cause of Your Chronic Pain?

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Is Your Scar The Cause Of Your Chronic Pain? Could your scar be the cause of your chronic pain? It might be. If you have a scar, you may not only have a cool—or crazy—story about how you got it, but you probably have other issues that you’d least expect as a result of it,

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